How to lose weight for good: Go Small in a VERY BIG WAY

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When it comes to setting and achieving goals, many of us find it overwhelming. That is especially true with attempts to lose weight, when it appears to be a huge number we want to release. It often feels like we’re standing at the base of a towering mountain, gazing up at the seemingly insurmountable peak. This sense of intimidation can lead to two common outcomes: we either shy away from setting goals altogether or, when we do set them, we quickly lose our motivation. It’s time to shift this perspective. The key to success lies in embracing the idea of going small in a VERY BIG WAY.

Goal to lose weight can be percieved as unconquered mountain peak

Falling in Love with the Everyday

The first step in this transformative journey is to cultivate a deep appreciation for your daily life. As a mom with the goal of shedding 15kg, I am setting my eyes on finding joy in every small action I take and put forth my full effort.

Anchoring Your Vision

Your overarching vision is to lead a healthier and more vibrant life, not just for yourself but for your family too. Your weight loss journey can be the cornerstone of this larger vision.

Breaking It Down: Small Steps, Big Impact

Fitness Routine:

  • Even though you may have a vision of yourself with visible abs and super tight body, it is important to understand it will take a journey to get there. To lose weight, best thing you can do is to start with small exercise routines and increase intensity as you progress. These brief yet consistent efforts will gradually enhance your strength and overall fitness.

Yoga and stretching:

  • Commit to a weekly yoga class. Besides all the physical and mental benefits yoga brings, great motivation is focusing on progress we are making. The pain and strain in the muscles the day after session, only means progress in wanted direction.
improve flexibility and lose weight with yoga



  • Avoid consuming food from your kids’ plates to maintain portion control and minimize excess calorie intake.
  • Cease eating anything after dinner to deter late-night snacking, a common source of unwanted calories.
  • Ensure you consume adequate servings of protein and vegetables. Prioritize lean protein sources and incorporate generous portions of vegetables in your meals.

Progress Over Perfection

Remind yourself that this journey is about progress, not perfection. While you work toward a healthier you, cherish the small achievements, and be forgiving when you occasionally encounter setbacks. This is a lifelong journey, not a race.

Personal Plan for a Mom to Lose weight:

  1. Weekly Yoga: Commit to a weekly yoga class to enhance flexibility, balance, and mental relaxation.
  2. Daily 10-Minute Circuit: Include a 10-minute small circuit exercise into your daily routine, beginning with bodyweight exercises and gradually intensifying your workouts as your fitness improves.
  3. Nutrition Steps:
    • Avoid eating from your kids’ plates to control portions.
    • Stop eating anything after dinner to prevent late-night snacking.
    • Prioritize protein and vegetables in your meals, ensuring at least one serving of lean protein and a generous portion of vegetables.
  4. Progress Tracking: Maintain a journal to record your daily exercises, yoga sessions, and dietary choices. Recognize your achievements and learn from any setbacks.
  5. Support System: Share your journey with a friend or family member for accountability and encouragement.

By incorporating these small yet manageable steps, you will gradually make progress towards your weight loss goal. Remember, it’s not about achieving perfection but about consistently making strides towards a healthier and happier you. With dedication and time, that imposing mountain will appear much more attainable than ever before.

Expanding on Nutrition

Balancing your nutrition is a fundamental aspect of your weight loss journey. Avoiding food from your kids’ plates is an effective strategy to prevent mindless eating, which is a common pitfall for parents. Being mindful of this habit will go a long way in managing your calorie intake.

Similarly, discontinuing all food consumption after dinner is a wise choice. Evening snacking is often comprised of unhealthy, calorie-dense options that can hinder your progress. Instead, make it a habit to close the kitchen after dinner and engage in other activities. If you find it challenging initially, consider sipping herbal tea or water when the urge to snack strikes.

Another vital component of your nutrition plan is ensuring that you receive adequate protein and vegetable servings. Protein not only promotes a feeling of fullness but also supports muscle growth, while vegetables provide essential nutrients and dietary fiber. Make it a point to incorporate lean protein sources like chicken, fish, tofu, or beans into your meals. Strive for at least one serving of vegetables with each meal. This not only aids in weight loss but also enhances your overall health.

Expanding on Fitness

Your fitness routine is designed to be both manageable and effective. The 10-minute small circuit exercise is an excellent way to introduce physical activity into your daily life. It doesn’t require special equipment or an extensive time commitment. Over time, you can progressively increase the intensity of your workout or add more exercises to your circuit. The key is consistency; even small daily efforts will yield significant results.

Yoga, on the other hand, provides a holistic approach to well-being. It doesn’t just enhance your physical fitness but also nurtures your mental and emotional health. The weekly yoga class offers a dedicated space to focus on improving flexibility, balance, and relaxation. It can serve as a peaceful break from your daily routine, allowing you to reconnect with your inner self.

Celebrating Progress

On your weight loss journey, it’s crucial to celebrate even the smallest achievements. Remember that these victories are building blocks toward your larger goal. Did you manage to perform one more push-up today than you did last week? That’s progress. Did you hold a yoga pose for an extra 10 seconds? That’s progress. By acknowledging and celebrating these moments, you’ll remain motivated and inspired to continue on your path to success.

A Support System

Finally, don’t forget to involve your support system. Share your journey with a friend, family member, or even an online community. Having someone to share your successes and setbacks with can be incredibly motivating. They can provide encouragement, hold you accountable, and share their own experiences, which can be both inspiring and comforting.

In conclusion, your personal plan to lose 15kg as a mom is centered on the principle of going small in a VERY BIG WAY. By focusing on small, manageable steps in your fitness and nutrition, embracing progress over perfection, and celebrating your achievements, you’re well on your way to reaching your goals. Your vision of a healthier and more vibrant life for yourself and your family is within reach, and with time and dedication, that imposing mountain will become a manageable hill. Start your journey today and watch as those small steps add up to significant, lasting change.

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