How to Be a More Energetic Person

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Being an energetic person, contrary to people’s beliefs, isn’t something that is innate to everyone. When you look at energetic people around you and evaluate how they live their day-to-day lives, you can find a pattern and some common habits. Once you are able to integrate these habits with your daily routine, over time, you will find yourself being much more energetic and uplifted throughout the day.

Of course, as humans, we peak up and down due to external reasons. However, these habits will help make your baseline much more energetic than it was before. Here is a list of some things that you should focus on making a habit, which will help you to be a more energetic person.

Fix Your Sleeping Habits

One thing that you will find common in those who are energetic throughout the day is a sleeping routine. This means that you should be getting around 8 hours of sleep every night. In fact, not getting enough sleep or sleeping for extended periods of time can make you feel drowsy throughout the day. Of course, fixing your sleeping habits is easier said than done. So, here are a few tips.

1. Slowly Scale Back

First, set a goal of the time that you ultimately wish to sleep at, which will allow you to wake up on time. Then don’t force yourself to sleep at that exact time; start scaling the time you sleep at, bit by bit until you reach your goal sleeping time. When scaling back, the maximum that you should scale back is by 15 minutes after every 2 to 3 days.

2. Avoid Napping

Taking a nap in the day can interfere with your sleep cycle and push it back even further.

3. Don’t Eat or Exercise Before Bedtime

While food can make you feel full, and some people think that this would help them fall asleep much faster, it can also cause heartburn, which can interfere with your sleeping routine.

Take Small Breaks Throughout Your Day

Another great habit that will help you feel much more energetic throughout the day is taking multiple small breaks that are spread throughout your day. This is because forcing yourself to be productive continuously for the entire day can drain your energy level and even cause stress, which has several adverse effects.

This is also backed by science, as several studies have found that the energy levels that help you finish your day-to-day tasks are retained much more efficiently throughout the day if you take small breaks. So, to be more energetic, make sure that you step away from your work or chores for 5 to 10 minutes.

This will also help you stay in a much more uplifted mood, which is also known to affect how energetic you are throughout the rest of your day.

Be Mindful of Your Daily Diet

A factor that significantly affects your energy levels throughout the day is the food you eat. According to Harvard Medical School, you can become a much more energetic person with the proper diet. So, to be more energetic, be sure to eat energy-boosting meals, such as oatmeal, spinach, sweet potatoes, eggs, yogurt, and more.

Not having the right diet or eating foods that don’t provide you with nutrition, such as junk food, can cause you to feel lethargic throughout the day as they don’t contain the right vitamins and minerals that effectively help your body in converting food to energy.

You can also make a habit of keeping overnight soaked nuts with you at all times as they are also known to be immensely energy-boosting. Your daily water intake also dictates your energy levels, so be sure to stay hydrated throughout the day and avoid the consumption of alcohol.

Young woman is exercising yoga at home

Exercise Regularly

When we say exercise regularly, we don’t mean for you to exercise every single day. With today’s fast-paced and hectic lifestyle, expecting anyone to exercise every single day can be a huge and almost impractical ask. Instead, create an exercise routine that you can follow easily on a regular basis.

Exercise can particularly help you in being energetic as it causes the brain to release feel-good endorphins. Having a good and regular exercise routine helps regulate your mood more efficiently, helps promote a healthy sleep cycle, keeps you healthy, reduces feelings of fatigue, and has several other health benefits. So, exercising on a regular basis can significantly help in helping you feel energetic throughout your day.

Fake it Till You Make It

A great way to be energetic is to act like you are full of energy, especially when you are feeling low on energy. According to Gretchen Rubin, a writer on wellness, if you aren’t happy with the way you are feeling in the moment, then try acting the way that you would like to feel. This small thing can make all the difference and has the ability to change the way you feel.

This is also backed by research as according to a study conducted by Columbia University, people who were made to do power poses started to feel much more confident than those who didn’t. When feeling low on energy, you can pretend to be incredibly energetic, which will help. You can also do this on a small scale, such as being mindful of your posture at work and avoiding slouching.

Final Thoughts

All in all, there is no foolproof method or approach that will help you become a more energetic person instantaneously, within a single day. Instead, success lies in changing small and minute details about the way you live your day-to-day life. It is important to continuously keep at it even after you feel a shift within your energy levels throughout the day to make a long-term effect on your daily energy levels.

It is also essential that you do not put yourself under pressure to achieve your goals in an extremely short time frame during the process. We are sure that you will automatically become energetic once you begin to integrate these habits into your life.

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